How to Perform an ELB Demo for AWS Certification

How to Perform an ELB Demo for AWS Certification

If you're preparing for the AWS Certification exam, it's important to have hands-on experience with the services that you'll be tested on. One such service is the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). In this article, we'll walk you through how to perform an ELB demo for AWS Certification.

Step 1: Create a VPC

Before you can create an ELB, you'll need to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This will allow you to control the networking environment for your ELB and the instances it will be balancing traffic to.

To create a VPC, navigate to the VPC service in the AWS Management Console and click "Create VPC." You'll need to specify a name and CIDR block for your VPC.

Step 2: Create an EC2 Instance

Next, you'll need to create an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance to serve as your web server. Navigate to the EC2 service and click "Launch Instance." Select an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance and choose an instance type.

Once you've configured your instance, launch it and ensure that it's running.

Step 3: Create an ELB

Now that you have a VPC and an EC2 instance, you can create an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). Navigate to the ELB service and click "Create Load Balancer." Choose a name for your ELB and select the VPC that you created in Step 1.

Next, you'll need to specify a listener for your ELB. This is the protocol and port that the ELB will use to route traffic to your EC2 instance. For this demo, we'll use HTTP on port 80.

You'll also need to specify a health check for your ELB. This is the endpoint that the ELB will use to determine if your instance is healthy and able to receive traffic. For this demo, we'll use the default health check path (/).

Once you've configured your listener and health check, your ELB will be created. Note the DNS name for your ELB, as you'll need it in the next step.

Step 4: Test Your ELB

To test your ELB, navigate to the DNS name that you noted in Step 3 in a web browser. You should see the default web page for your web server, indicating that traffic is being successfully routed through your ELB.

You can also test your ELB's ability to handle traffic by using a load testing tool such as Apache JMeter or Gatling. Configure the tool to send traffic to your ELB's DNS name and monitor the performance of your EC2 instance using CloudWatch metrics.


By following these steps, you should now have a basic understanding of how to create and test an Elastic Load Balancer in AWS. Remember to practice using other AWS services as well, as hands-on experience is key to passing the AWS Certification exam. Good luck!

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